E Conference Zone 2024-09-22T17:50:48+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p><strong>E-Conference Zone</strong> is a platform created to publish the research papers of the conferences organized worldwide. We are providing the publication support to the conference organizers in order to make the research available online. </p> <p><strong>E-Conference Zone</strong> platform works for the collaboration between the Academic and Scientific Institutions to publish the conference proceedings. We are also providing the services for indexing of the papers in reputed databases.</p> <p>We invite the conference organizers all over the world to publish the special issues of the State, National and International Conferences, Symposium, Events. </p> SOCIAL - PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIPS IN THE FAMILY 2024-09-19T09:46:14+00:00 Umidullayeva daughter of Marjona Ulugbek <p>It is known that the more peaceful and harmonious the families, which are an important part of society, the more peaceful and stable the state can be. In this regard, the strength of the family fortress and the formation and implementation of spiritual aspects in it are important. Therefore, children mature and grow up in the sacred space called family. This article describes the socio-psychological features of parent-child relationships.</p> 2024-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 THE SIGNIFICANCE OF NATIONAL VALUES IN EDUCATING PRIMARY CLASS STUDENTS INTO A PERFECT GENERATION 2024-09-19T16:01:52+00:00 Sheraliyeva Mohichehra Bolibekovna <p>In this article, the thoughts on the content of inculcating national values in the minds of primary school students are presented. Also, methods of education based on values were shown in the process.</p> 2024-09-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RESEARCH ON THE EXTERNAL TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF THE TRDN-32000/110*KVA TRANSFORMER 2024-09-22T07:17:42+00:00 Muslimbek Ismoilov <p>Power transformers are the most expensive and important components of any power system. The modern system is mainly focused on monitoring the start-up and overhaul of the transformer, which cannot fully guarantee the reliability of the work and the safety of their operation. By analyzing the influence of external factors on the temperature of power oil transformers in industrial enterprises and power networks, the reasons for the increase in the temperature of transformers and the expected problems are highlighted. As a result of the general analysis, measures to extend the working time of transformers were noted.</p> 2024-09-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ СИСТЕМЫ ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЯ В СЫРДАРЬИНСКОЙ И САМАРКАНДСКОЙ ОБЛАСТИ ТУРКИСТАН: ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ НОВЫХ МЕДИЦИНСКИХ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЙ 2024-09-22T17:50:48+00:00 Тоштемиров Достон Тоштемиров <p>До вторжения в Туркестанский край Российской империи местное население здесь пользовалось помощью знахарей и знахарей в борьбе с болезнями. В конце XIX – начале XX века, вместе с миграционной политикой Российской империи, в нашу страну пришла европейская медицина. С этого периода в Сырдарьинской и Самаркандской областях началось строительство новых медицинских больниц и амбулаторий, обслуживающих военнослужащих, русскоязычное и местное население.</p> 2024-09-22T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024